Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Re: Women's role

I question this as I am a woman with no husband and a child. How am I to follow the word of God if no man will help me. In todays society it is necessary for both man and women to work if the household is to survive. So then can a married couple follow this word if it is not possible to live on one income alone. I take in consideration the lack of the nations ability to give men good jobs to support their family so this then is impossible but the word says it is a sin. Tell me how can God judge this justifly in the state we are in today?  

God will be your husband. This is about church order and the roles of men and women. Do what is necessary within the position you are in. Sin in the world corrupts God's best way. Seek him with all your heart, trust him and he will show you a way.   Gary

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