================================= The heck with having more stuff and respect, I just want to get by and live in a place I can call being my own........Who is greatest?Easy answer........................GOD..................... :)If only I had more money, more possessions, then I would command respect?
Jesus is with the innocent and the weak, the trusting children.
:) (GL) \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is a story that helped me understand how God can use special needs people. Also an inspiring woman, Johnny Erickson Tada put in perspective how we can treat people with disabilities. She recently quoted this passage in regards to the precious woman (Terry) whom our society let starve to death. Proverbs 31:8 "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. 9 Speak up and judge fairly;defend the rights of the poor and needy." God blessed me richly by letting me have a special needs brother. He was born with cerebral palsy and I got to see God's glory minister through my mother's love and care for him. He went to be with the Lord last Friday and we are rejoicing that he was part of our lives and is now completely whole. It is coincindental that this is the very passage that the Lord had ministered to me when working through my initial grief. My brother has a special place with the Lord. His mind remained as a child even though he was 41 years old! NOT A COINCIDENCE AT ALL OF COURSE. As Pastor Arlon says "He gives us handfuls on purpose". I am truly blessed and to God be the glory! Thank you Gary for being used in this way. As I have said before, your ministry comes just in time more often than you know. Better that one hand doesn't know what the other is doing sometimes. Blessings to all, Debbie
You have stated two very powerful statements that Jesus made. The first is the way we treat little children reveals the way we treat Jesus Himself. We cannot mistreat or abuse little children without abusing Jesus Christ. If we love the little ones we are also loving Jesus Christ.
The second statement concerns the way we respond to believers who are in need.
If we close our minds to those who are needy, we are closing our minds to Jesus Himself. "In as much as you have done it unto one of the least of these my children you have done it unto me." We are to be very concerned for those in His family who are in need, and help them to the best of our ability. In so doing we are serving Jesus Christ.
Y.B.I.C. Hiram
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