Monday, June 13, 2005


    1 Tim 1:18  This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare;
1 Tim 1:19  Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck:
1 Tim 1:19  Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck:

Have you ever felt that your ship has run aground. The destination you began has shipwrecked? Disappointments can do that to us. When our goals are stopped, our plans which require another's cooperation. Paul considered the two men mentioned as shipwrecked and departed from the faith. They had become enemies of Christ and his people. How tragic.   I am not seeing this for me or many others, who are temporarily run aground. We are not alone, for Jesus is on the ship with us. We may have relied too much on our own skills and not have been listening to his voice as he directs. Yet it is possible to be doing all the right things and still run aground, life is like that, especially when we depend on others. The "Lone Ranger" Christian, no doubt is the one who has been disappointed by others. Now he goes out alone with the Lord. All at sometime must run their boat alone with the Lord. Wait on the Lord, a new tide will come carrying you out again on His shoulders, as he bears us again, following him in the living waters. We are never without his help, we need him every second of every day.

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