My Grandma sent me this from her devotion, I believe we could all use the reminder....
This morning, I read, as I usually do, a devotion entitled "And Today" by Vance Havener. Brother Havener was recognized as one of Americas most traveled evangelists and popular Bible conference speakers. He died in 1986. He was a North Carolinian by birth and had a voice which if you ever heard it - you recognized it thereafter. His had a unique style and charm in expressing himself. You cannot miss his message easily.
I pray that God will bless it to your heart as He did to mine.
“And Today
Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8
It is said that George Muller kept on his desk a motto bearing the central words of our text, “AND TODAY.” Well might he do so and surely few men have demonstrated better the truth of it. It is not difficult to believe in Jesus Christ the same yesterday. And He will prove one day that He is the same forever. But “Jesus Christ the same today” – what a time we have with that middle span! Amid the dull monotony of things as they are, when the skies seem leaden and nothing breaks on the uninteresting scene, it is easier to visualize the Christ of the Galilean Past or the Christ of the Glorious Future than to expect great things from the Christ of the Glamourless Now.
But our text stoutly insists and today. We may not see Him in the flesh as they saw Him yesterday, and we see not yet all things put under Him as one day we shall, but He said He would be with us “all the days,” and that includes today
Is not many a Christian experience like this verse with “and today” in very fine type – strong in faith in the Christ of yesterday and forever, but very weak in faith in His presence and power today?
Prayer of St. Francis – Whatever it takes
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred let me sow love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is discord, unity
Where there is doubt, faith
Where there is error, truth
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is sadness, joy
Divine master, grant me that I may seek
Not so much to be consoled, but to console
Not to be understood, but to understand
Not so much to be loved, but as to love
For it is in giving that we receive
It is in losing ourselves
That we find ourselves
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
(from Adrian)
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